FuncGodot Ranger
What IS FuncGodot?

FuncGodot is a plugin for Godot 4 that allows users to generate Godot scenes using the Quake MAP file format. Map files can be made in a variety of editors, the most commonly recommended one being TrenchBroom. It is a reworking and rewrite of the Qodot plugin for Godot 3 and 4.

It is not a framework.

FuncGodot will not make your game for you. FuncGodot does not make doors, it does not make players, it does not make buttons. You make the entities and FuncGodot will instantiate them and apply the properties you gave to them in your map file and entity definitions: the rest is up to you.

It is not a BSP Compiler.

FuncGodot does not compile maps into BSP files. It has no concept of vis, no concept of lit, no concept of bsp. It will not automatically cull faces. Godot does not work like the early BSP engines. You cannot use FuncGodot to map for Godot the same way you map for Quake. What you map is what you get. This makes it more consistent and reliable than a compiled BSP, since you get to choose what faces get culled, how your mesh is separated, and how your collision is generated.

FuncGodot is, at its core, an interpreter.

FuncGodot is a map parser and geometry generator, utilizing entity definition resources in order to translate map files' entities and their properties into Godot nodes and packed scenes. It can be used for purposes as simple as only generating CSG geometry from the map file to purposes as complex as completing your entire level in your chosen map editor and only needing to click build in Godot. How much FuncGodot builds for you is dependent on how much work you put into defining how to build your maps. What you put in is what you get out.

Understanding this concept will hopefully put you on the right path forward to being able to use this wonderfully flexible tool to make some incredible games.

This manual assumes some familiarity with the Godot Engine and your map editor of choice. This manual will only cover them insofar as how they relate to the FuncGodot work flow.

Who MADE FuncGodot?

FuncGodot was created by Hannah "Embyr" Crawford, Emberlynn Bland, and Tim "RhapsodyInGeek" Maccabe, reworked from the Godot 4 port of Qodot by Embyr, with contributions from members of the FuncGodot, Qodot, Godot, and Quake Mapping Communities.

Both plugins are based on the original Qodot for Godot 3.5 created by Josh "Shifty" Palmer.